Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And now we wait...

Sweet Pea was a champion for her EEG today. She was in a good mood all day, even though we got up at 3:30. She wasn't nervous for the test at all and did everything that the tech asked her to do. I started freaking out once we got to the hospital--I couldn't stop myself from the "what if" thinking...

Now we wait to hear back from the neurologist. S/he will read the EEG tonight and if there is something bad we will hear from the hospital on Wednesday or Thursday. If we don't hear from them, then it is good news and nothing is wrong. We will get the final results in about a week.

Once again, I am so thankful that we live a few minutes from one of the best children's hospitals in the country. Our tech was wonderful with Abby and everything in the room was kid sized, which I think makes things a lot less scary.

Sweet Pea took about a 30 minute nap during the EEG and she seems wide awake again. I however, am not. I am going to go try and get a nap in before she notices.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Freak Out and Dread

I'm freaking out a little bit about tomorrow, and also dreading it. Tomorrow Sweet Pea is having the EEG that will test for the micro-seizures. When the psychiatrist told us that he wanted Sweet Pea to have an EEG, he said that it was no big deal and that it would only take about 30 minutes, so I wasn't really worried about it at all. Then the pediatrician (who actually scheduled the test) called...

Sweet Pea is having her EEG tomorrow at 2:00. I have to get her up between 3:00 and 4:00 am and she cannot go back to sleep, because she needs to be exhausted for the test. They will do part of the test while she is awake, talking and looking at some stuff and then there is also a portion where she has to be asleep. I am a little freaked out by the test now--it seems like a much bigger deal. I am also REALLY dreading getting up at 3:30 tomorrow morning.

Thankfully, BCFG is being really cool. We didn't find out that the test was scheduled until Friday, and since today is Memorial Day, we didn't have a lot of time to plan things. I'm sure that The Husband would be fine taking Sweet Pea to this test, but this is one thing that I NEEDED to go to. I called Mr. X on his cell phone on Friday afternoon and he said that it would be fine if I took a sick day. We are keeping Sweet Pea home from school all day tomorrow because I don't think it would be fair to Mrs. B. to send her to school. She's probably going to be really grumpy and since it's the end of school, they have been watching lots of movies and it's too much to ask Mrs. B. to keep her awake.

So, wish us lots of luck tomorrow. We hope that Sweet Pea is seizure free (the most important), but I'm also hoping we survive getting up that early.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Official

I think it's official--after many days of trying, I don't like K. My issues with her have to do with lunch, as she is frequently the reason that I don't get to eat lunch. She is supposed to go to lunch at 1:00 so that someone is there to cover the phones at all times. Today she went to lunch at noon and was gone over an hour. (For the record, I am not the office attendance police--this time it was Mr. X.) At noon today, everyone was gone, except me and Mr. X. He thought that K was there, so we were both ready to go out for lunch. He walked through the office and noticed that she was not there, so he needed me to stick around. So I did... By 1:00 no one had come back to the office and it doesn't really make sense for me to go to lunch after that. I am grumpy from lack of food.

I am now going to put the emergency box of granola bars in my car, so I stop forgetting them in the morning.

In other news, I am now compliant with all my securities licenses. In the past 3 years, I have either gotten smarter or the test has gotten easier. The test consists of 4 case study sections and you have three and a half hours to pass all 4 sections. If you fail a section, you get a second case study to see if you can pass the second time. This time, I passed all my sections on the first try. In the past I've always needed to repeat at least one. Although I think the test was easier this time, I've decided that I've gotten smarter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bitter Pants

So* today shortly after arriving at work I put on my Bitter Pants. I arrived at the office at 8:45, my normal time, to find that Mama X was the only one in the office. I was expecting lots of people to be at the workshop/breakfast, but K was missing, which I thought was odd. After talking to Mama X for a few minutes it became clear that K was at the breakfast--my breakfast. (After Mr. X, I am the person in the office who put the most work into it, therefore, it is my breakfast.) I was stuck in the office and she was out learning about Cash Balance Plans, something that she will never use in her job. (Can you tell that I'm still wearing my Bitter Pants?) I should have asked to attend yesterday, instead of asking Mr. X if he needed me there. I will remember that for the future. Until then, I will be bitter...

Although I am trying really hard to be the girl who likes everyone, I'm starting to have a hard time with K. She is a huge complainer, which is just annoying. I think that I learned not to complain when I worked for The Man. The Man wouldn't have cared about anything that I complained about and it would have annoyed him and he would have made my life harder as a result. I complain a lot about work, but never at work, that's my distinction.

I am kind of dreading tomorrow--I am currently non-compliant with my securities licences (not a big deal, but it needs to be fixed quickly), so tomorrow I have to do a three and a half hour computer continuing education thing. These CE tests always make me realize how much I have forgotten. I also have to get up early, which is part of my issue. Thankfully, after I take my test tomorrow I'm in the clear for the next three years.

I also saw my psychiatrist for myself today. I'm doing really well--I've been feeling a lot better since he saw Sweet Pea. I don't have to see him again for two months (this is a nice change from the monthly visits that we've been having for about the past 4 months). If I'm still doing well at that time I get to start trying to back off the anti-psychotic drug again. I'm really hoping I can get off that one this time around, since that is the one with the really nasty side effects**.

*I always have the urge to start my posts with "so." Hopefully it doesn't annoy you.

**that I won't go into here, because they will gross you out.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I hate comb binding

Have I told you before how much I hate comb binding? Today that is all I did. Mr. X's breakfast/workshop is tomorrow morning and since he was on vacation last week we were late in getting everything put together. I spent today printing and binding 50 copies of everything. Then when I was done with that I got to seal up 50 invites to another special event. Then I counted out 50 pens and 50 coffee mugs. Then I found out that I would not be going to the event. Instead I will be spending the day in my Triangle. Can you tell that I am bitter?

In other news, I am happy to have found a swimsuit for vacation that doesn't cost a zillion dollars. I've also found a cover-up, so yeah for that...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shrunken Heads

This song has been in my head a lot lately...


I think that it's because of the line "and all the crying you wouldn't understand..." because, although we had a good visit with the psychiatrist, Sweet Pea is still sad a lot of the time.

Our appointment for Sweet Pea with my psychiatrist went well. I really like him and was glad that I knew him and wasn't having to get to know a doctor during the appointment as well. His assessment of Sweet Pea is that she has ADD. To brag a little, in his opinion she is bright to the point of being gifted. He classified her ADD as the "absentminded professor" type.

We are taking a "wait and see" approach with drugs for right now. The doctor recommended a child psychologist that can help with exercises to help Sweet Pea's concentration and also help to build up her self esteem. The Husband is frustrated with this. He was really hoping for a quick fix. He also doesn't see the value in therapy. He did get along with my doctor better than I thought that he would.

I am okay with waiting on medication. I know that it's not the same, but my drugs have done some pretty nasty things to my body and I hate the idea of giving drugs like that to Sweet Pea. The doctor did say that if we were to go the medication route, he would recommend Intuniv, which is a newer drug and one of the only (if not the only) non-stimulants for ADD. I looked the drug up and on their website one of the first things that it says is "we don't understand how Intuniv works on the brain." That's what is says about all my drugs too. I worry about the long term effects of my drugs and I didn't start taking them until I was 32.

We are going to do one medical test on Sweet Pea. We are going to get an EEG to rule out Absanse Seizures. This is a type of epilepsy where you have seizures that look like you are "spacing off." It is frequently misdiagnosed as ADD and our doctor said that he's seen two little girls recently that had this seizure disorder when the parents and teachers were sure that it was ADD. I've read about Absanse Seizures and it doesn't sound like Sweet Pea--the seizures are very brief (usually only lasting 20 seconds) and a person can experience up to 100 per day. Sweet Pea spaces out for many minutes at a time and this will happen maybe 4-5 times per day. We will still go ahead with the EEG, just to be safe, though.

I am hoping that we can get into a psychologist soon, so that she can get as much help as possible over the summer. I worry about how much she beats herself up about her school work. That trait comes from the Husband, as I am not that much of a perfectionist.

For some good news... I've been able to sleep without sleeping pills for almost a week now. (I know that doesn't seem like much, but it means that things are trending in the right direction and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.)

I've also examined the letter from the IRS more carefully and it looks like they are seeing income that we had in 2009, but no withholding on it. I need to call the IRS and see what we need to do, but it looks better than it did after my first reading of the letter.

Also, R's husband got out of the hospital on Thursday. He still has three chest tubes in, but the leak in his new esophagus is now small enough that his doctor's feel that it will close on its own.

I'm still kind of bummed out about "Ragtime, though. Hopefully next summer will be a good musical too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Woe is Me

Today is not a happy day at our house...

We got a letter from the IRS that something is wrong with our 2009 taxes and we need to refile. As I understand it, we aren't being audited, but it isn't good. I haven't gone through everything as thoroughly as I need to. The Husband is all freaked out, which really isn't helping the situation. No one can feel as bad as I feel, since I am the person in this house that does the taxes.

Second, Sweet Pea had another full blown, long lasting fit tonight. This one stemmed from my telling her that she is going to the doctor (psychiatrist) tomorrow. I didn't want her to not have any idea that she is going, but now I'm thinking that it might have been better to not tell her ahead of time. Because Husband is already in a mood about the taxes, he was really mean in dealing with her to the point where she kept asking me why Daddy didn't love her.

Third (and probably the least important), the Community Theater is doing "Ragtime" as their musical this summer and I actually like that show. I've been thinking about trying out for the past two years, but they were both shows that I hated and didn't want to be a part of. Unfortunately, one of the weekends that the show will be preformed is a weekend when we will be cruising to Bermuda. Most people would pick a trip to Bermuda over Community Theater, and I would too, however I am kind of disappointed that I don't get to try out.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Wish us luck with the psychiatrist.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looking out at the weather...

One of the nice things about my triangle is that I have one "wall" that is all windows. I like having the natural light and being able to see people coming and going. This week it has turned cold and wet again and I would like to formally apologize to the weather for saying last week that it was too hot. I would prefer that to what we are having now. Sometimes I find myself staring out of my window and looking at the weather. This seems to happen more often on wet days, when I'm tired and don't have very much to do. Today was one of those days. Whenever that happens I remember the line from "Sense and Sensibility" that Mrs. Jennings says to Marianne, shortly after Willoughby leaves--"Looking out at the weather will not bring him back."* Today was one of those days when I missed my old life. My brother-in-law, who lost his job recently, is interviewing with The Big P tomorrow, so my sister was asking me lots of questions about working there, and I even miss The Big P. Although it is getting easier, adjusting to life in my triangle is still hard.

I am also feeling anxious because Sweet Pea has her appointment with the psychiatrist on Friday. I am extremely glad that my psychiatrist bent his rule for us and agreed to see her. Normally he will not see two people in the same family. I am glad to see him, since I know what he is like and I have a good idea of how things will go. I am hoping that he can give us some answers after one visit. I'm not expecting a miracle or anything--I'd just like to get started with something.

My sleep has improved and I think that the increased dosage on one of my drugs is finally at the right level. Good night...

*Yes, I know I should win some kind of drama queen award for comparing my work life to a Jane Austen novel.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost Wipeout

Before I forget, I must post this link...


This is the full (I think) recording of the musical "The Book of Mormon." I heard about this musical on NPR right before it opened--it's from almost the same team that brought you "South Park" and "Avenue Q." It manages to be both horribly irreverent and very sweet; sometimes at the same time. I recommend taking the 68 minutes to listen to it, but if you only have time for a few songs, my favorites are "You and Me (But Mostly Me)," "All-American Profit" and "I Believe." The whole thing is extra funny if you actually know some Mormons, especially ones who are going out on their mission trip.* If you are in a house with children, pretty much all of these are headphones only songs.

Today to work I wore my pants that are too long. When I got these pants they were super on sale and even though I tried them on I failed to notice that they were super long.** I'm guessing that the lenght was why they were so on sale, since I have pretty long legs. I can't imagine what they would be like on a person with shorter legs, although that person may have paid attention while trying them on. To try and make up for my too long pants, I decided to wear heels. I left today with a giant pile of stuff for Kinkos and was digging through my purse for my keys as I walked down the stairs. Because I am one of the world's most graceful people, my heel caught on my too long pants and I almost had a total wipe out. Thankfully I did not, and even more thankfully I didn't drop any of the Kinkos stuff because the pages are not numbered.

I got irritated today when I found out that Mole has been telling people that I'm his assistant. I don't know why this bothers me, since essentially, I am his assistant. It also doesn't bother me at all that Mr. X says the same thing. Mr. X is on vacation this week, so frequently I have been answering the phone "Mr. X's office, this is The Girl Who Works in a Triangle." I think Mole's doing it bothers me because of the presumption behind it. I also have the feeling that Mole is trying to shove off unsavory tasks to me. When Mr. X is there I can run everything through him and he shoves things back on to Mole, but that's not possible this week.

We had big computer problems again this morning, which we seem to have every Monday morning. The server at BCFG only has an 8 minute back up, so if the power goes off for more than 8 minutes, the whole thing gets messed up. There is major construction by the office, which seems to knock out the power a lot. Since I am off in my own little corner, I didn't see what happened, but R came over complaining about K big time. This is furthering my idea to be friends with everyone, or just stay in my corner and out of every one's way.

Oh, for other not so good news, R's husband now has another infection--this one is caused by too many antibiotics, that were used trying to get rid of all the other infections (which are still there). R said that he got really upset over the weekend and they had to give him some Ativan to calm down, but the Ativan ended up knocking him out, so he slept the whole time. I had to remember that no one there knows anything about me, so I couldn't say "oh yeah, I've taken Ativan before-it's a pretty good drug."

I finally got a good night's sleep on Saturday and again last night, so I am feeling like a normal person again.

Enjoy "The Book of Mormon"--you really do have to listen to it!

*I had a good Mormon friend growing up and she actually sent some missionaries to my house on several occasions. My dad always invited them in and he liked talking to them, so I could relate, especially to the first song.

**I still am not sure how this could happen, given that these pants are REALLY long.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So tired...

I am so tried.... I think it's been about 4 nights since I have really slept, which is not for lack of trying. I'm not sure what's going on. I've been taking my sleeping pills and they don't seem to be working. As anyone whose ever had a problem with sleeping before knows, I'm about at the end of the time that a person can still function like a human being with this lack of sleep. To top things off, when I really wanted to try and sleep in this morning, the Husband decided that he needed to cut the grass EARLY this morning and then he told Sweet Pea that she could "help" him, which is causing me lots of problems. I just want to sleep....I feel like I'm on the brink of some kind of lack of sleep breakdown.

I went out to dinner with a friend last night and she commented on how I haven't posted in a while. I'm trying to think of amusing things to tell you from my Triangle.

Mr. X left for vacation in California on Friday and he is gone until May 23. As Mr. X is really loud, this means that it is really quite in my little corner. Mole and The Godfather always have their office doors closed (perhaps they are antisocial), so they are never loud. The Big Cheese came around yesterday to see if I was doing okay all by myself. I had to remind him that I worked from home, all by myself, for almost five years.

R's husband is not doing great. They found a leak in his esophageal repair and the doctor's have different opinions on how to fix it--surgically or let it heal. So far they have been trying the "let it heal" approach, and it is not healing. The were hoping that they might be able to remove two out of three chest tubes on Friday, but they needed to do a test to see if that was safe. He's been in the hospital for over 30 days now, with no sign of getting out. She is holding it together much better than I think I would.

I found out from Mama X that K and R don't like it each other. I've decided that I like everyone. K is very fancy--very pretty and wearing clothes to work that I probably wouldn't wear, even if I had the figure to wear them. R is "regular." I am much more similar to her.

I am too tired to write any more... I'm going to try and sleep on the couch for a little bit.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's Over!

We survived the birthday party. I had one mother RSVP at 7:30 on Friday night (the party was at 1:00 on Saturday) and I was not happy. I tried really hard to sound polite on the phone and not bite her head off. Then, I hightailed it to Target to buy another set of everything, since I had only bought enough for the girls that were coming.

Everyone seemed to have a good time at the party. Nine 7-year old girls are LOUD, though. They really enjoyed both "Musical Toenails" and "Put the Lipstick on the Daddy." They also liked the music and were able to sing along to most of the songs, so I must have picked good ones. (I will need to thank my niece for that, as she was my main helper.) A few girls said that it was the best party ever and I had one mother call me last night to say thank you, which was really sweet (and kind of made up for the other mother and her very late RSVP). I am planning to write up the party and submit it to http://www.birthdaypartyideas.com because they give away prizes for party submissions.

Sweet Pea did have a melt down at the party. We were having a fashion show at the end and Sweet Pea went first and one of the girls giggled, which Sweet Pea interpreted as laughing at her and she burst into tears and was really sad for the rest of her party (almost 30 minutes). After Sweet Pea "modeled" the girls kind of seemed to get the idea of the fashion show and were cheering for each other, which made things worse for Sweet Pea because she didn't understand why no one was cheering for her. I felt so bad for her. Finally, we put an end to the fashion show, got out the crayons from the beginning of the party and everyone colored until their parents came. Thankfully the other girls were good sports about that.

This morning at church I was talking to a friend (and my former choir director) that I haven't seen in a while (her son made his First Communion this morning) and she had seen some Facebook postings that the Husband had made about Sweet Pea. Both of her boys have ADD and she was telling me some things that did make me feel better. I told her about the moodiness that we're dealing with and the meltdowns and she said that she had that with her younger son, whose ADD is more significant. She said that for her son he would have these sensory overloads and would get ultra-focused on some little thing and then melt down. Because he is a boy, his melt downs were a little more temper-tantrum and violent, but they sound exactly like Sweet Pea's. She also told me that after two and a half days on medication her son was so much improved. She is someone who wouldn't just pass out pills to her children, so I really respect her opinion and that was good to hear. She also recommended a book that I'm getting ready to order from Amazon.

And now time for snarky-ness... Today was First Communion at church. I love First Communion and always cry*. I also love seeing all the little girls in their white dresses and veils. (Our church still has the requirement that girls have their head's covered for First Communion.) However, there's always one girl that is totally over the top. There's this family that goes to Sweet Pea's school that I don't like very much. They act like they rule the school, they are very cliquish with their friends, and are basically unkind to a lot of people. I dislike them because I've been made to feel like the unpopular girl in the 7th grade one too many times. Anyway, one of their girls had her First Communion today and she had a tiara on with her veil and it was HUGE. For those who are reading and are not Catholic, tiaras are not appropriate for church--this one looked to be the size that a bride might wear with her veil. I told the Husband about it when I got home and we both said that it was totally par for the course with this family--they had to do something "sparkle" a little more than everyone else today. Her dress also had a hoop skirt and it was funny to watch the little boy next to her as he kept shoving her dress back towards her.

*I also cry at confirmation, baptisms, a large part of the Easter Vigil and frequently during the Homily--I cry a lot at church.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Please Keep Your Germs to Yourself

People at BCFG are sick. Guy came into the office on Monday looking terrible and saying that he felt awful. He had a nasty sore throat and head cold. Then Al Gore said that he had just gotten over the same thing. This morning, when I arrived, Mr. X told me that he was sick. He got the sore throat yesterday and now has the stopped up head, so Guy is clearly sharing his germs.

I must have washed my hands about a billion times today. I also kept telling myself that I was not allowed to touch my face. Do you know how much your face itches when you tell yourself that you can't touch it? I am normally not this much of a germaphobe, but today I was opening doors with paper towels and my sleeves.

Mr. X was working on something with me and kept touching my mouse and computer keyboard. I had to fight the urge to get the Lysol. Finally I told him that he wasn't allowed to touch my stuff any more. Pre-surgery, I had a sinus infection that lasted over 6 months and I have no desire to get sick again. I came home and gargled and rinsed out my nose--gross, but hopefully effective at preventing Guy's disease (or maybe Al Gore started it).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It may be French, but it's not that hard.

Right now I'm irritated. I am irritated because people cannot "répondez s'il vous plaît."* I have just had to send out a bunch of "can you child please come to my child's birthday party" emails for Sweet Pea's party. As of right now (4 days before the party), I've only heard from 5 out of 12 girls and two of those were no's. I know with the state of the world I shouldn't be this concerned about a birthday party, but I am. First, Sweet Pea will be so upset if she only has three friends at her party. Second, I am bitter because I've bought gifts for all these kids and the least their parents could do is respond to the freaking invitation. Third, if I end up with only 4 kids I'm going to have to think of A LOT more activities to fill three hours, and after planning a Mary Poppins and Disney party that were scrapped, I really don't feel like planning any more.

I've also decided that Mole is just an irritating person and it's not his fault. I have almost perfected the slow backing out of his office without his noticing. In another few days, he'll never know I left.

So, who wants to take bets on how many replies I get tonight after sending out the emails?

*Yes, I did need to Google that. I didn't know that RSVP was French, I thought it was Latin. However, I do know what it means.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What do you call today?

I cannot claim to have come up with this, since about a million people are posting it on Facebook; however it does sum up how I feel much more eloquently than I ever could.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

-Martin Luther King, Jr

I've been trying to find the context of that quote and haven't been able to do so yet--too many people are Tweeting it and that's all you get when you Google. I will keep looking because I'm really curious as to whose death he was referring. In my Googing, I found this quote as well, which doesn't seem to be popular yet--I'll have to see if I can start a trend.

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."

Of course, I have been thinking about my friends today and wondering if their family experienced any measure of comfort today. I wonder if it was like an old wound being ripped open.

I probably have a very unpopular opinion, but I wish that Bin Laden had been captured, tried, and sentenced. I guess this is my blog, so I get to say whatever I want.

Enough depressing stuff (or maybe uplifting, depending on your point of view)...

In other news...

My ducks are two-timing me. We haven't seen a lot of George and Rebecca lately. I have been blaming that on the fact that it won't stop raining and the ducks don't want to stand out in the rain. However, as Sweet Pea and I drove home today, I saw one of our around the corner neighbors feeding them bits of bread and trying to get Rebecca to eat out of his hand! He must not know that those are MY ducks and Rebecca only eats Frito's out of MY hands.

Remember that play list that I made for Sweet Pea's party last night--well, she only likes 5 out of the 12 songs. I think that she is the most picky child in the universe (thankfully she is not picky about food; otherwise she wouldn't eat). I have decided that I don't care that she doesn't like the songs, I'm playing them anyway. I now also have two RSVPs to her party--hopefully we get more tonight, or I'm going to have to start emailing people. I don't understand the lack of RSVPs--people need to get some manners.

There's no amusing work news today. We had the Monday Morning Meeting as usual. Al Gore was there and criticised our tech set-up, but that's nothing new. It wouldn't be a Monday morning if Al Gore didn't have something to criticise.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I finally got the first yes "RSVP" for Sweet Pea's birthday party, which is next Saturday. Prior to that, I'd gotten two "no" responses and I was starting to freak out a little. I'm hoping that people weren't responding because of Spring Break and that they'll start doing so now. If not, there's a lot of cake for Sweet Pea and her one little friend.

I keep meaning to post an update on R's husband (but forget, probably because I'm not being nice about work). As of Friday, he wasn't doing great. I think that I said that when they did the surgery they found more cancer in his stomach--he will need to have additional chemo for that, once he is well enough. Post surgery one of his lungs collapsed and that has caused a lot of problems. The lung was operating at about 15% capacity, and even with 4 chest tubes they were unable to get the fluid to drain. Last week (Wednesday, I think) he had another big surgery (this time they went in through his back) to clean out the fluid in his lung, which had become infected. There was also a pocket of infection in his stomach and one in his neck, so they cleaned those out too. It is possible that he may get out of the hospital on Tuesday, but his lung needs to be re-inflated (if that's the right term) and he needs to be up and walking before he can go home. R is a mess, and rightly so. Every time I see her she looks more exhausted. She has a 3 year old and he is having a really hard time with his daddy being in the hospital. (He has not been able to visit the hospital because R's husband has not been out of intensive care and kids are not allowed in intensive care.) R has been coming into the office for an hour or two here and there--she says it's nice to focus on something else. For some good news--it looks like the graft where they made her husband a new esophagus is holding. They did a test with barium to see if there was any leakage and everything is holding fast. That is pretty rare with this kind of surgery--there's usually some kind of problem with the transplant of tissue. So, it seems like if they could just get his lung fixed, he'd be in good shape.

The Husband is at bingo tonight. (Working, not playing.) I'm getting ready to go to sleep. I finished my project for tonight, which was downloading the songs on iTunes for Sweet Pea's birthday CD (which will be played at the party and part of the goodie bags). It was challenging to find songs that they would like with 100% appropriate lyrics. It is a Justin Bieber-free mix--I am not subjecting any parents to him. It does have one Taylor Swift song on it, but I like her. I figure if someone as picky as me can tolerate her, than others can as well. It's pretty heavy on the girl Disney stars, however it is also Miley Cyrus and Ashley Tisdale free (for the same reason that it's missing Justin Bieber).

For something amusing--check this out: http://www.regretsy.com/2011/05/01/weekend-flashback-the-golden-rule/

Goodnight comb, goodnight brush, goodnight nobody, goodnight mush.