Monday, March 28, 2011

Well, that's good to know...

Let me start by saying, I've never been happier to go to work than I was this morning. It was really good to leave my house. I'm feeling a little better today; I can't tell if it was work or if the medicine is starting to kick in, but I'm grateful.

I discovered a difference between The Big Cheese and The Man today. For all of The Man's faults, he like to have long chats. I actually liked the chats (unless I was really busy.) The Big Cheese doesn't chat. Today I was in his office and our conversation veered toward chatting, but then he said "lets get back on task." He really said that--I felt like I was back in third grade.

I also discovered today that Will thinks that the office decorations are cheesy too. The microwave is on my side of the office and today at lunch time Will was microwaving his Ramen Noodles (incedentally, the Ramen Noodles smelled really good--much better than my peanut butter sandwich) and he was making fun of all the Spring decorations that Mama X has put around the office. I don't think I've described this one before, but there is this very round ceramic bunny (it kind of looks like a ball with ears) in the bathroom, next to the vase of giant fake daffodils. Will has decided that we are going to play "hide the bunny" throughout the office. Today it was hidden in Guy's office--Guy had not found it by the time I left this afternoon. This is going to drive Mama X, with her OCD, insane tomorrow. Will also clued me in to some decorating for the other holidays. I'm most looking forward to the little heart confetti that she leaves all over the place for Valentine's day. I was very glad to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks that Spring is crazy.

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