There's this guy at work, will call him Guy, and he's young(er than me) and sort of hipish and until recently I thought that he was a real ass. The first two days that I worked in my triangle he didn't say a word to me--not even, "Hi, my name is Guy." Apparently, he was busy working on a big project for The Big Cheese. Anyway, one of the first things that I noticed about Guy (even when I saw him when I was interviewing) was his weird pointy toed shoes. I don't know why I always notice men's shoes. It's probably because I have really poor posture and am always looking at the floor. (Yesterday Mr. X was wearing sneakers--actual sneakers, not hip sneakers, with his work clothes.) Anyway, Guy has two pairs of the same pointy toed shoes; one light tan (that is really scuffed up and I want to polish every time I see it--I wonder why Mama X hasn't gone after him with some shoe polish and her OCD) and the other black. They look really uncomfortable, because they are not only pointy toed, but they also appear to flatten the top of the foot. Anyway, there's this guy in the office being all hip and not talking to me and wearing the pointy toed shoes and perhaps you can see why I thought he was an ass. It turns out that Guy is a really nice guy. He has been very helpful lately. Some of this may be because I'm going to be doing a lot of the administrative work that he was previously responsible for, but he's still being really nice. So, should you meet a pointy toed shoe wearing book in your future, don't judge it by its cover.
It's kind of fun coming up with names for everyone at work. I'm thinking that I'm going to call one of the other people that I support Mole, like Mole from "The Wind in the Willows." This isn't meant as a slam, since Mole is one of my favorite characters. Mole just has this almost perminate look of bewilderment on his face and seems to be hanging on to The Big Cheese's (or Ratty would also be an appropriate name for him) coattails. Today Mole and the Big Cheese had a big pitch and Mole has been talking about it since I arrived; I think that's so everyone in the office would know that he's involved.
I support a trio of men and I'm thinking that I'll call the third The Godfather. I don't know The Godfather very well yet, however he is Italian, the mayor of one of really affluent/old money subburbs of town and also owns an Italian resturant. We'll just go with stereotypes until I get to know him better.
So, now we have Mr. X, Mole and the Godfather and me in my triangle.
On a completely different subject, Sweet Pea (my daughter) went with me to Wal Mart to go grocery shoping today and I bought her both Lunchables and Beef-a-roni (which she ate for dinner). I have never purchaced either of these products. If you buy them, please don't think that I am judging. I was very thankful for the Beef-a-roni and it's serving of vegitables in each cup tonight. I've just never bought this stuff before and it has me thinking, which (as Lefou in "Beauty and the Beast" says) is a dangerous passtime...
I am enjoying reading your work stories and laughing out loud at some of the bits like "I do not want to ask the man who painted the pears anything". I think you write very well. I am hooked :)