I don't have anything to write today that is that amusing--it was kind of the same old same old in my triangle today, so you might want to check out this post from Regresty, my new favorite blog. http://www.regretsy.com/2011/03/16/roseanne/
The last few nights I've been sleeping pretty well. Strep Throat came to visit out house over the weekend, knocking out Sweet Pea first and then taking down The Husband. I did not want to get Strep Throat, so I started sleeping on the air mattress in the room formerly know as my office. (This reminds me of the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, but I seriously have no idea what to call that room. It's not my office any more, but it feels too new to start calling it the guest room again. I cleaned it out before we had company at New Years, but there's some things that I can't bring myself to get rid of. For example, my dry erase boards are still covered with all the phone numbers that I needed while working. It feels like if I erase them it will be like it never happened. To be overly dramatic, and for those of you who have read "Twilight," it feels like when Edward says "It will be as if I never existed." Totally not true--it did exist, but it just vanished. Right now I still need my phone numbers to make it seem like the last 5 years mattered.) Anyway, back to sleeping...so I started sleeping on the air mattress and got a good nights sleep, so I've kept sleeping in there and I keep having reasonably good sleep.
This reminds me of when I first got sick and I used to sleep on the futon in the basement, which I called my cave. At that time I was having a horrible time sleeping and I remember that I read somewhere that a change of scenery helps some insomniacs fall asleep, which is why I tried out my cave. I remember feeling really free in the cave. Sweet Pea was younger and still got up at night sometimes, but I couldn't hear her in the cave, so I could really let myself sleep and not have to sleep with one ear open. I'm not as isolated in the room formerly known as my office, but since it is helping me sleep, I will be there until further notice.
I don't have much to report from my triangle today. I learned how to use the comb binding machine. I have now (semi) mastered all the office equiptment, with the exception of the postage machine, however tomorrow I have to mail a letter, so I have that to look forward to. I used to really enjoy comb binding. I didn't get to do it very often, but on the occasion that I did when I was working at The Big P, it was fun. I always found it to be a good place to collect my thoughts. I liked to bind some stuff before I had to write a particularly difficult letter or email. I do not like this comb binding machine--it is one of the most frustrating things that I've ever used--it punches these teeny tiny holes and the wire thing is impossible to thread through them. I also had another exciting day of highlighting. While doing that, I was thinking about how overpaid I am, given the tasks that I'm doing right now. I hope that no one else notices that.
Mr. X (who truly is a very nice person--probably why he has one of the nicer fake names) did give me an important project at the end of the day. He's having me do something that he said that he's never let anyone do before. Then when he walked away from my desk he started having the shakes or something from power point withdrawal. (It's a disease that I know well, since I was starting to have it too.) I'm looking forward to getting to use my brain tomorrow.
And now I'm going to watch Tuesday's episode of "Glee" again...and also look up if there's a new "Gray's Anatomy" on tonight.
I found this after I posted, but had to add it... http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2011/03/15/when-i-see-you-park-one-word-comes-to-mind/
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