Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's called grammar people.

I probably shouldn't criticize the grammar of others.  I would be very afraid if someone took a big red pen to this blog, however lately two things have been aggravating me like nails on a chalk board.   (Or when you accidentally knock your teeth together, which bothers me more than nails on a chalk board.) 

The first is people feeling the need to omit the verb "to be."  This seems to be regional, as I'd never heard it before I moved here and now everyone says it.  For example, I would say "the garage needs to be painted."  People here say "the garage needs painted."  Where's the verb?  (Okay, I just Googled to see what kind of verb "to be" is and now I'm wondering if I'm using it unnecessarily.)  Regardless*, it sounds weird to me.

My other irritant is the phrase "I seen."  I know this one is wrong.  I like what Urban Dictionary has to say about this one:

I seen 

What uneducated people say in place of "I saw".
Dumbass: Yo, I just seen that Lemony Snicket movie!

I am hearing both of these daily...

In other news, I went to the doctor today.  I had a hard day and I got to his couch and just started crying.**  He had a discussion (I watched) with himself about increasing my anti-psychotic medication or my mood stabilizers.  Since I'm at the top of the safe range for the anti-psychotics he went with the mood stabilizers.  I guess at the end of the day it's better to be unstable than psychotic.  So, I've got a drug adjustment...

The doctor did have a good idea--he said that since I felt bad that I should get a do-over for both my birthday and Mother's Day.  (I encourage all of you whose husbands dropped the ball to do the same)  You can get me this.  (WARNING--THIS LINK IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR FOR PEOPLE UNDER 18.***)

*Not irregardless, another teeth clinker

**I feel like I need to justify my crying so here's what was May Crowning at Sweet Pea's school and as part of the service we all prayed a couple decades of the Rosary.  If you are unfamiliar with it, this is how the prayer goes:

 Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


You pray the Hail Mary a lot when you pray The Rosary and all I could think about was the line "now and at the hour of our death" (yes, Catholics are a morbid people) which was playing on a loop in my head when I was in the hospital.  I think that I had something like a flashback.  To be overly dramatic, I think that I have something like mild PTSD from my time in the hospital, which (aside for the drugs) was not good for me.  

***I bet you're really curious now.  :  )


  1. that's a great card. And thank you for sharing it. Go open it again and pretend I sent it to you, just like you did for me.

    Awww... thanks!


  2. Catching up on your blog...I also can't stand "I seen". I hear that a lot around here (go figure!). Also irregardless, which is definitely one of my pet peeves. The whole ommitting "to be" might be regional because I hear that all the time (and I do it all the time!). Now I'm curious to know if it is correct or not.

    Love the card. Too bad you can't buy such cards at Hallmark!
