Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hey Girl

I've been inspired by all the Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" posts on Tumblr* lately and I've been thinking that I should start one for unemployed people (I just Googled and I don't think there is one).  However, Ryan Gosling has really never done anything for me, so for my (rather pathetic, using MS Paint) attempt I picked Eric Whitacre--a composer, conductor, and person that I'm obsessed with.

In other news, Sweet Pea has started her own blog (after watching me write this one).  Right now she has postings up about narwhals, unicorns (which are real, by the way) and Marcel the Shell.  Message me if you're interested in reading it--it's invitation only.  

Speaking of Sweet Pea, we met with her doctor yesterday and are now trying Concerta.  It kind of felt like the doctor closed her eyes and pointed when it came to picking a new stimulant to try.  The doctor has no idea which drug will avoid the emotional side effects, since all the stimulants have those as a side effect.  We just have to guess.  After one day, I'm concerned because Sweet Pea was complaining that her heart was racing (another side effect, since I'm basically giving her Speed every morning).  Now I'm worried that she's going to have a heart attack while she's sleeping.**

*One of my friends shared this one, which I think is my favorite

**Just to be clear, I'm actually worried about's so not funny that it almost feels funny.

UPDATE:   To prove that I am cool (at least in my own head), Eric Whitacre just won a Grammy. 

UPDATED AGAIN:  I have a new favorite Ryan Gosling one--I heart NPR, because I do heart NPR.  This one may only be funny if you listen to as much NPR as I do. 


  1. Love your Hey Girl pic. I am quite sure that if anyone can do a series of Hey Girl for the unemployed, it is you (and let me clarify...not because you're so great at being unemployed, but because you are actually quite witty with words!). I honestly can't get enough of the Hey Girl things...and it is so funny, on a homeschooling message board that I read, there is a debate that these pictures make us look lazy. Come on people, laugh a little!!!
    I hope Sweet Pea is feeling better. That has to be scary for both of you.

  2. You must post a link to the debate over Ryan Gosling pictures--I think reading that would be a good use of my time.

    Now I have to get on Craigslist and look for a job.

  3. I've never seen the "Hey Girl" pictures! Awesome!

    now, if you are serious in posting altered pictures, download "". It's free and pretty comparable with Photoshop. And if you join (for free) their site, you can post questions in the forum and get help when you need it. I used it to edit the 100 professional pictures we had taken when they charged me a fortune for just the cd. let me know if you need help.
