Thanks to the invention of LinkedIn, it's surprisingly easy to stalk the people. Especially if they have chosen to make their profile public. This is how I found out everything about Clay Aiken and now the Ultimate Frisbee playing TPA* that I'm having lunch with on Thursday.
Thursday is going to be a big day for me. I have a second (or first) interview with the people that I had the phone interview with today. That went really well--I was much more relaxed than I was for the previous phone interview. This afternoon I also got a call from a stranger who received my resume from another stranger. (I've been using The Book of Lists and sending blind resumes to all the financial advisors that are listed. I sent a resume to this guy named Adam, who didn't get back to me, but did forward my resume to the stranger that I'm going to have lunch with. So, thanks Adam, whoever you are.)
It's weird how it's totally acceptable to have lunch with a stranger for "networking purposes," but you wouldn't do it under any other circumstances. I Googled the guy that I'm going to meet with and he has Ultimate Frisbee (technically "Ultimate Disc") on his LinkedIn profile three times. Does Ultimate Frisbee make you a dork? I probably shouldn't judge since I don't play any sports and should definitely get more exercise. However, I'm remembering the guys that played Frisbee as a team sport in college. I actually have some good memories of Frisbee from the summer I spent at Northwestern University before my senior year of high school.** I can't imagine listing it with my professional interests, but maybe I'm the dork because I don't know how cool Frisbee actually is.
So, good things are happening on the job hunting front. It's always nice when a stranger calls you after reading your resume (even if they really do like Frisbee).
To totally change the subject, The Husband doesn't believe me when I tell him that the little dog is depressed. She looks sad all day--I will take her picture to prove it. I think she misses her beagle mommy and we should get another dog to take care of her.
*That stands for third party administrator for those of you who don't work in my world.
**I spent two months at Northwestern for debate camp because I was an uber-nerd. (Proving my nerdy-ness, I just called myself a nerd in German.)
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