But first, a story...
On December 23rd I went into work and I was one of the first ones there. On my desk was a Chipolte gift card, no note or anything, just a gift card laying on my desk. I love Chipolte, so I thought that little Chipolte Christmas Elves had visited the office overnight to bring me gifts, since I was all bitter about a lack of office Christmas gift and/or bonus. No one said anything about it, so I just put it in my wallet and figured that my little elf wished to be anonymous.
This evening, the family and I went to Target to make several purchases for our trip to Illinois tomorrow. After shopping we decided to get some Chipolte and I happily presented my gift card. Guess what--it was totally empty. No money had been loaded onto it. Now, I know that could have been an oversight on the part of a Chipolte employee when many gift cards were purchased, but the way things are going right now, it feels like a metaphor.
On to the details...
After a very nice Christmas with my family (and delicious Shrimp Corn Dogs--more about those later), I went back to work on Tuesday morning and was told by Mama X that R no longer worked there. R's husband has really been declining, but something feels really wrong to me about R's leaving. Will has made several really stupid comments about "needing someone who can do the job" with regard to R. One of the reasons that this feels so weird is that there has been no official communication from The Big Cheese or Mr. X regarding R's leaving. It was left to Mama X to tell me and no one in authority has said a word to me about it.
Initially, The Husband thought that R's leaving gave me a little more job security, but I've never felt that way. If they are willing to fire someone whose husband is dying of cancer, they won't hesitate to cast me aside. Also, today I overheard a portion of a conversation* between Guy and K and it sounds like K has been given R's job. K has been cleaning out R's office and she's been really eager to do that. I can't imagine her being that helpful if there wasn't something in it for her.
This brings us to me...no one has told me anything. The Big Cheese, Will, Mr. X and even Al Gore had a big "strategy meeting" on Tuesday**. Mr. X sent me home from work early before the meeting started. I think that I decision has been made, but they aren't telling me what it is. I am a chicken and am afraid to ask. We normally have a Monday Morning Meeting, however that's been moved to Tuesday because of New Years. Those meetings are usually pretty low key, however two email reminders have already been sent out about this one. I have a really bad feeling that they are going to announce my new position to me in front of everyone at the meeting, like it's a done deal. I've gone over several reaction scenarios in my head for that one--I'm not sure what I'll do if that happens.
After all of this though, I'm not sure that I really want to work there any more. They have treated me badly and if my gut is right, they've treated R even worse. I used to admire what I thought was drive and ambition--now I think it might just be greed.
(Take a minute to absorb the serious part.)
And now to completely change the subject.

Shrimp Corn Dogs are AWESOME. Do you like shrimp? Do you like Corn Dogs? Imagine the two things together and you get the awesomeness that is a Trader Joe's Shrimp Corn Dog. If you live near a Trader Joe's run, do not walk, and get some for yourself. I recommend stocking up because I am worried that they may be a holiday only item. To further tempt you, here is a picture of them when they are cooked (along with another favorite, Trader Joe's Shrimp Tempura

We had a lovely Christmas at my house. On Christmas Eve, we had my new tradition--The Feast of the Seven Dishes. I think that I will keep that up and make seven different snack foods so we can have a little party before church. Our church's Midnight*** Mass was beautiful and I'm working on forgiving myself for a major vocal mistake that I made while singing O Holy Night. (It was so good in my dining room--I honestly don't know what happened in church. Everyone at church said it was lovely, with the exception of our choir director, who is also my voice teacher, so there really was an issue.) We were lazy all day on Christmas. My iPhone alarm accidentally went off at 7:45--if it wasn't for that I don't know how late Sweet Pea would have slept. She loved her new bike and Bitty Baby from Santa. I also made one of the best things for dinner that I've made in a long time. Should you need a fancy-ish dinner, try these Fontina and Prosciutto Stuffed Pork Chops with pan-roasted grapes (sounds weird, tastes good) and polenta. I made creamy polenta, instead of grilled. I recommend cutting the polenta recipe in half, since we will be eating polenta well into the New Year.
Also, The Husband and I went to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" yesterday, which was one of the best films that I have seen in a long time. I enjoyed all three books, even though they were one of the weirdest things that I've ever read. I was worried about the violence in the movie, but I had imagined it much worse than it looked on film, so I was okay. If you're looking for a good movie to see this weekend, that's the one I would go to.
Anyway, we're heading into the New Year. I am excited to be spending it with good friends. I am anxious about my job (see note about eczema). I am trying not to be. Thanks for reading this past year. Here's to hoping that 2012 is a great year for you and that I can quickly find a new, and better, triangle to work in.
(I feel kind of bad for always stealing from her, but I guess it's really promotion... Read this post from The Bloggess. I know just how she feels.)
*Not by snooping--people in the office just talk really loud in front of me (and I have bionic hearing--really I do--that's actually what it's called).
**I have eczema patches around my eyes as a stress trophy from that one
***But celebrated at 10:00
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