Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Little Pony--UPDATED with EVEN MORE Ponies

This post really is about My Little Pony, which we watch pretty regularly at our house.

Eric Whitacre is my favorite living composer and one of the coolest things about him is that he enjoys when people do things with his work. He has joined the list of people that I'd like to have to my house for dinner. Anyway, this is a Pony Music Video* to his song "What If" from his "musical"** "Paradise Lost: Shadows and Wings."*** Anyway, I thought that is was amazingly cool, and fits surprisingly well with My Little Pony, so I thought that I would share. It may not be your cup of tea, but I like it.

Here comes the updated part....

This morning while I was taking a shower, I was thinking that I had seen some more My Little Pony art somewhere. Take a look.

This morning I was also trying to psych myself up for what was arguably the most difficult day at work that I've had in a while. So, naturally, I listened to the above song while watching the "My Little Pony" video. (Some how the ponies enhance rather than detract for me.) I think that most of us use "psych up songs" in some way or another, however I think that I may be the only one who uses this song with My Little Pony images. I kept hearing the line "I yearn to soar, so there has to be much more. Yes, there must be another way." I think that it's a sign of how much strain a person is under when they start crying at song lyrics and visions of ponies getting wings to "soar." I feel firmly tethered to my triangle. I do have my review on Monday (unless it get canceled again). Maybe I should play this video on my phone to try and explain what I want.

I did get all my work done. I feel both manic and exhausted. I would feel good were it not for the meeting at school tomorrow morning to get the results of the testing that they did on Sweet Pea. That still feels like a sword hanging over my head. This time tomorrow I'm hoping to feel really good.

Right now I'm trying to decide if I'm a bigger drama queen for using My Little Pony music videos to psych myself up, or comparing myself to Marianne Dashwood, as I did in this post. I'm thinking that the ponies win out.

Sweet Pea has asked that I listen to a different song and also for me to find the "real" ponies video to load on her iPod (that she inherited from me when I got my iPhone) for the drive to New Jersey next week.

*Pony Music Videos (or PMVs) are quite the thing, apparently. There are tons of them on YouTube. I'm watching one of "Defying Gravity" right now.

**Not the right word, but "opera" isn't the right word either
. Operetta also isn't right. That reminds me too much of Gilbert & Sullivan, which this definitely is not.

**Which is about the children of angels after their parents have taken their wings and built a fortress to protect them. The main character sings this song, dreaming of getting her wings back.

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