Monday, November 14, 2011

And then I broke my favorite bowls

This week sucks. This is the culmination of all the reviews--I have more to get out than I choose to count. I was in the office for over six hours this weekend and finished 4 reviews, however when I got to work this morning it didn't seem to have made a dent. For better or for worse, this will all be over on Friday. All the reviews are due on the 18th, so come hell or high water they will be out the door. I foresee at least one night at the office this week. This better all come back with a really positive stinking personal review.*

This week feels kind of like finals, however unlike finals there will be no real sense of accomplishment when it is over. Also, unlike finals, when it's done I don't get a nice long vacation. We are going to my in-laws for Thanksgiving, which is not relaxing for me. The Husband and I have been married for 10 years and I still really don't like it there.

Thanks to everyone for all of your kind words--they mean the world. I have decided that my depression is environmental, not chemical. I think that once this week is over (or possibly when I get through Thanksgiving) I will feel better. Knowing that I can pull myself out of this didn't stop me from laying on the couch and crying last night (while watching "The Next Iron Chef"), but I feel like I lack the total abject despair that comes with the chemical depression that comes on for no reason. I'm enjoying a full compliment of psychiatric drugs right now and I understand that I may need to add an antidepressant to get through the winter. I'm also using my light box daily to mimick the sun. One of the nice things about my triangle is that I have one whole wall of windows, so I get a lot of natural light during the day.

I am trying to keep positive this week, or at least light-hearted. When The Husband brings home semi-rotten bananas from the store, you don't pout about it**; you make banana bread. Unfortunately, in the making of the banana bread I broke my two favorite bowls. (Only I could manage to break 3 bowls at ones--two were my favorites, one was just utilitarian.)

One foot in front of the other. Now I have to keep working on dinner. Sweet Pea has requested that I not burn the chicken.

*My review got canceled at the last minute--did I tell you that already?

**or you don't pout that much

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