Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mystery Science Theater

Yesterday I got my hair cut. In the pre-baby olden days, I went to a really nice Aveda salon. Post Sweet Pea I have been going to the Aveda school here in town because I figure that my hair isn't that complicated and I like getting my head rubbed when they wash my hair. Yesterday I went to We Hart Hair.

I have needed a hair cut for at least a month and stuff just kept coming up. I was going to try and go to Aveda on Friday, but I was sick on Thursday and didn't call for an appointment. The Aveda place is really close to campus and there was a game on Saturday and it just isn't worth to try to go to campus on a game day. So it looked like another weekend that I wasn't going to get a hair cut. I decided that I couldn't stand that, so I decided to brave We Heart Hair. I figured that it's just hair and mine is pretty simple.

So, the past few months there is this one clump of hair on the side of my head that has been getting kind of curly, in an irritating way. It has made it harder to straighten my hair. I have been blaming this on hormones, since my hair has also been getting darker. Yesterday at We Heart Hair, they cut cut off about three inches, so it's on the shorter side. We Heart Hair is also low frills, so she basically let my hair air dry and all of the sudden all of my hair was curly, in a very nice and uniform way.

I have had stick straight hair for my whole life--where the heck did these curls come from? I was in the process of blaming my hormones again when I was sitting in the basement. I was doing laundry and our house was really hot, so I had taken my book down to the couch in the basement where it was nice and cool. While I was sitting there, I was thinking about my hair and how it kind of looked like my niece's hair. My niece has Crohn's disease and her hair has become curly over the years because of the Crohn's medication that she takes. You've probably figured out where this is going by now...

I pulled out my iPhone and Googled my two main medications and their side effects*--both list curly hair**. So, mystery solved. Thankfully, I don't have the other hair related side effect--hair loss. I've always wanted curly hair and I think that if I keep my hair short I won't really have to fix it any more (and I don't even have to dry it all the way).

Of course, me being me, this has given me something else to worry about. If this stuff is strong enough to change the entire structure of all my hair, what else is it doing to my body?

*I do try and read all the stuff that comes with my drugs, but usually quit when it gets too scary. The husband doesn't like to be around me when I start to read up on the drug stuff.
**When things aren't scaring the sh*t out of me, I find it kind of funny that curly hair is a "side effect."

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