Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Broken Record

My posts have gotten kind of whiny about my drugs lately--I promise to stop--just indulge me one last time.

I'm pretty excited about my curly hair--I'm thinking that this may cut down on bad hair days. Yesterday it was really humid and my hair just got more curly. I am still freaking out about my other organs curling, but I'm trying not to focus on that.

When researching curly hair and drugs, I found this website http://crazymeds.us/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/MedClass/AEDSideEffects. First this is awesome because it is called "CrazyMeds." I like to wear the label of crazy like the red badge of courage. When I am feeling well (as I am right now--thank you correct dosage of scary drugs) I sometimes think "I survived four* nights in a locked mental ward--I bet that you couldn't do that." Seriously, no sane person could manage in that ward.

Anyway, I really wish that someone would have told me about CrazyMeds in the beginning. I would have spent much less time worrying about being crazy. It tells you all sorts of helpful things about your drugs, like "Typical Side Effects: The usual for anticonvulsants plus a special set for valproates: instant old age. You’ll get fat, bald, tired, confused, uninterested in sex, unable to hold your liquor and everything will give you heartburn and/or the runs." It also has "talk forums for the mentally interesting" like "BiPolar Disorder--I'm So Happy I Could Kill Myself."** or "Antipsychotics--I'm Not That Crazy, Am I?" I have a whole fun night planned with http://www.crazymeds.us/pmwiki/pmwiki.php.

You wish you were me--curly hair and CrazyMeds...

*or was it five--I can't remember and no one will tell me
**That title alone my have been able to pull me out of some funks

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