Thursday, May 19, 2011

Woe is Me

Today is not a happy day at our house...

We got a letter from the IRS that something is wrong with our 2009 taxes and we need to refile. As I understand it, we aren't being audited, but it isn't good. I haven't gone through everything as thoroughly as I need to. The Husband is all freaked out, which really isn't helping the situation. No one can feel as bad as I feel, since I am the person in this house that does the taxes.

Second, Sweet Pea had another full blown, long lasting fit tonight. This one stemmed from my telling her that she is going to the doctor (psychiatrist) tomorrow. I didn't want her to not have any idea that she is going, but now I'm thinking that it might have been better to not tell her ahead of time. Because Husband is already in a mood about the taxes, he was really mean in dealing with her to the point where she kept asking me why Daddy didn't love her.

Third (and probably the least important), the Community Theater is doing "Ragtime" as their musical this summer and I actually like that show. I've been thinking about trying out for the past two years, but they were both shows that I hated and didn't want to be a part of. Unfortunately, one of the weekends that the show will be preformed is a weekend when we will be cruising to Bermuda. Most people would pick a trip to Bermuda over Community Theater, and I would too, however I am kind of disappointed that I don't get to try out.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Wish us luck with the psychiatrist.

1 comment:

  1. So sad about Ragtime...that's my favorite show ever and I would kill to do it...

    Hopefully things will work out with the doctor and the taxes. That doesn't sound like fun at all.
