Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bitter Pants

So* today shortly after arriving at work I put on my Bitter Pants. I arrived at the office at 8:45, my normal time, to find that Mama X was the only one in the office. I was expecting lots of people to be at the workshop/breakfast, but K was missing, which I thought was odd. After talking to Mama X for a few minutes it became clear that K was at the breakfast--my breakfast. (After Mr. X, I am the person in the office who put the most work into it, therefore, it is my breakfast.) I was stuck in the office and she was out learning about Cash Balance Plans, something that she will never use in her job. (Can you tell that I'm still wearing my Bitter Pants?) I should have asked to attend yesterday, instead of asking Mr. X if he needed me there. I will remember that for the future. Until then, I will be bitter...

Although I am trying really hard to be the girl who likes everyone, I'm starting to have a hard time with K. She is a huge complainer, which is just annoying. I think that I learned not to complain when I worked for The Man. The Man wouldn't have cared about anything that I complained about and it would have annoyed him and he would have made my life harder as a result. I complain a lot about work, but never at work, that's my distinction.

I am kind of dreading tomorrow--I am currently non-compliant with my securities licences (not a big deal, but it needs to be fixed quickly), so tomorrow I have to do a three and a half hour computer continuing education thing. These CE tests always make me realize how much I have forgotten. I also have to get up early, which is part of my issue. Thankfully, after I take my test tomorrow I'm in the clear for the next three years.

I also saw my psychiatrist for myself today. I'm doing really well--I've been feeling a lot better since he saw Sweet Pea. I don't have to see him again for two months (this is a nice change from the monthly visits that we've been having for about the past 4 months). If I'm still doing well at that time I get to start trying to back off the anti-psychotic drug again. I'm really hoping I can get off that one this time around, since that is the one with the really nasty side effects**.

*I always have the urge to start my posts with "so." Hopefully it doesn't annoy you.

**that I won't go into here, because they will gross you out.

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