Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sticker Shock

Tomorrow is school picture day for Sweet Pea and tonight I took her to Justice to pick out a new outfit. This was our first trip to Justice and I'm hoping that such shopping trips will be limited to once a year, or we will no longer be able to pay our mortgage. I knew their clothes were expensive, but I was not prepared for the price tags--I spent more on her picture day outfit of pants and a top than I spend on most outfits for myself. What was killing me inside was that last week I went to this giant used children's clothing sale and got 4 outfits and a dress (with all but one thing brand new with the Gymboree tags still on them--what's up with that*) for less than I spent today on one outfit. I guess it's good I got all the rest of her clothes at that sale, or we would need to move to a nudest colony, and I think our climate is too cold for that. We did get two "save $25 when you spend $50" cards from Justice, so I'll use that for Christmas, since she picked out about 50 more things that she'd like. I am thankful for school uniforms again, so there's not the pressure to wear clothes like this every day for school.

In other clothing news; I wore my suit to our workshop this morning and must have past inspection, since no one told me to leave. Once again K's clothes baffled me. She was wearing gray pants (pants, not even what I would call a trouser), a top of some kind and this weird black and gray oversized short sleeved cardigan along with her standard 6+ inch crazy platform heels. She did not get the "navy blue pinstriped suit" memo. In addition to being the hall monitor, I'm the workplace clothing monitor, and I wonder why no one has ever said anything to her about her clothes. She's the first person people see when they walk in the door and her outfits are crazy at least 80% of the time. Other than that, the workshop went well and I am exhausted. I am ready for a normal day of work tomorrow.

Sweet Pea had another violin lesson today and it seems like things have started to click. She's got the notes down for about half of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and today she started to learn the rest of the Suzuki rhythmic variations which she picked up really quickly. Honestly, today was the first lesson when I didn't think "Oh God, what have I done?"

*I am extremely thankful for the new clothes with the tags still on them at used clothes prices, but I can't figure them out. Who has size 8 and 9 clothing that they forget to have their kids wear? I guess some people have that much money and that many clothes that they don't notice when stuff goes unworn, or they are too lazy to return gifts that they don't like. Either way, good for me.

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