Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Bad Seed

I am the Bad Seed...

The Godfather got a review for his non-existent client, but he didn't get a complete one. I made one phone call trying to track down the missing information and then gave up and did the best I could. He should consider himself lucky.

Today has been an extremely long day. It's 5:19 and I'm thinking about going to bed.

To start things off on the wrong foot (literally), Sweet Pea would not put on her sock and shoes when it was time to leave for school this morning. She has been getting worse about listening, so I've decided that it's time for serious consequences without warnings until she can get her act together, so this morning I sent her to school with bare feet. (I did pack her shoes and socks--I'm not that mean-- and I think The Husband let her put them on in the car.) Last weekend she was one fit away from missing both a birthday party and a Halloween party. I know that something needs to be done, but I hate when this stuff happens in the morning and then I go off to work feeling like total crap.

Continuing my crap-tastic day, when I got to work, a review that had been done and bound and crossed off my giant list when I left yesterday had been un-done by Mr. X. It took over an hour to fix this morning and that was an hour that I didn't have. Because I am Super Triangle Girl, I fixed that review, cobbled something together for The Godfather, and finished another review for Mr. X. There is no end in sight... This is my life from now until Thanksgiving.

My rebellion against The Godfather was fun today*. It makes me want to do things like that more often. When I was working for The Man I used to do things to irritate him on a regular basis. I'll have to finish the missing pieces of that review at some point, but I was glad to not bend over backwards today.

Now I'm going to shred my pork that has been cooking all day in the crock pot, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. For everyone.

*It's the little things that we Bad Seeds enjoy so much.

1 comment:

  1. I hate days like that - when it's so early but you just feel like you need to go to bed to just be done with it.

    I'm sorry she's being difficult lately. Does there seem to be a particular reason she's acting out, or is that just life right now? It's very frustrating when Katie is like that, so I can't imagine when they're older. I hope it starts to get better.

    I was also thinking about something you said yesterday - about not using your critical thinking skills. That's really tough. I felt that way at my first job and I remember how crappy it felt, so I can't imagine being at this point in your life and having that frustration. Will you get a chance at a yearly review or something to express that frustration? I would have to think they would be willing to give you more challenges as you are proving yourself to be overly competent in the tasks they do give you...

    I hope things start to go a bit's hard when everything is frustrating at once.
