I've said before how one of the things that I like least about working in my triangle is the complete and total lack of privacy. Here's another, less typical, example of that.
Mama X works on Tuesdays and Fridays and one of her main responsibilities is to keep the office clean, which means that she empties my trash. Because she also hates waste, she doesn't take the old bag out and replace it with a fresh bag, instead she reaches into your trash with her hands and scoops out whatever is in there. I've learned that it's against the rules to put anything messy in your desk trash because of this. (There are designated trash cans for the messy stuff.) She always empties your trash while you're sitting there and then also makes comments on it. She frequently remarks on how many Post-It notes I use. (I think that means that I'm supposed to use fewer, since Post-Its are expensive.) I hate having my trash judged.
At the beginning of the week jars of red, white and blue Jelly Belly jellybeans arrived from Prudential Annuities* for all the sales guys and they are now sitting on the conference table. I enjoy candy, especially after lunch, so I've been eating a few jellybeans here and there. However, I have a problem. I don't like the white ones, which are coconut flavored**. So, right now in my top desk drawer there is a little plastic cup filled with white jelly beans. I can't throw them in my trash because there will be trash commentary about them and I really don't want to deal with that. I can't throw them in the messy trash, because even though the whole bag gets thrown away, Mama X looks through it first and she'll make some comment about waisting food. Hopefully we don't have any bugs in the office, or my desk will be overrun with them (and then I'll be in trouble for that). I'm thinking that I should bring a Ziploc bag to work tomorrow and tote them home in my purse to throw away.
*We get some weird stuff in the office--I think the boomerangs from Franklin Templeton that came last month are the weirdest that I've seen. Earlier in the spring we also got little plastic pots and watering cans from American Funds. Sweet Pea is enjoing those. She was not giving a boomerrang because I feared for every lamp and other breakable item in my house.
**I think that they should have sent the buttered popcorn flavored ones as the white option--I like those. (And yes, I'm aware that I'm probably one of the 10 people who like popcorn flavored candy.)
LOL! I have no idea what you should do about them, but the situation made me laugh out loud :)