This week there is a major sporting event in my city* and BCFG hosts a hospitality house for our clients and prospects. (The hospitality house is actually Will's house (soon to be the Big Cheese's house--but that's a story for another day), which is very close to the sporting event.) At the hospitality house we serve breakfast and lunch and there's a full bar all day and it is a nice appreciation event for the clients. I, however, have been dreading attending this thing. It's like a giant cocktail party when you don't know anyone and I never know what to do at those either.
Because of the house, everyone but R and me was out of the office today. I had very little work to do and I am now the proud owner of the most neatly organized work email box EVER.** At about 10:30 the phone rang and it was Will. He was calling to inform me that his dog was sick and that FedEx would be delivering dog medicine to the office and that I was not to leave the office until the dog medicine arrived. I didn't ask if I was allowed to go to the bathroom--I was afraid that he might say no. So, two things happened today. I learned that I am less important that Will's dog, but I didn't have to go to the hospitality house.
*which will remain nameless
**I also played a lot of Angry Birds. Have I told you how much I love my birthday iPhone?
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