Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Please Don't Puke on my Desk

Why do people insist on going places when they are sick? After being sick with my sinus infection that lasted over 6 months, I am feeling well and don't want to get sick again, so sick people--please stay home! Last night at choir the girl that I don't like (the one who has issues because she was not asked to be the director and tries to offer alternative direction from within the choir) was at rehearsal with bronchitis and a sinus infection. She couldn't sing at all; she said that she was just there to "work on the music." Thankfully she always stayed at least 2 people away from me. If that wasn't bad enough, today The Big Cheese was at work with the stomach flu. At one point he was leaning over the desk in my triangle and I was trying not to breath. Once he left I had to fight the urge to go ask Mama X for the Lysol, so I could spray down my desk. It was ick.

I got a set of keys to the office today, so I guess that makes me official. I would prefer to be unofficial and key-free. (Now I have a way to go back to the office and work nights.) I also had a weird communication with The Man yesterday and had to send him an email. I'll let you know how that plays out.

Finally, if anyone is wondering what I want for my birthday, I think I want this: http://www.regretsy.com/2011/04/04/clay-achin/

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